• Question: Are you ready for I'm an Engineer, Get me out of Here?

    Asked by to Ant, Dan, Matt, Mike, Steph on 13 Mar 2012. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Dan Veal

      Dan Veal answered on 9 Mar 2012:

      Yea!! It seems like ages since we got all signed up and now have had a few weeks of downtime, bring it on!

    • Photo: Mike Salter

      Mike Salter answered on 9 Mar 2012:

      Yes! Although I’ve already got things wrong and answered a question in the comments box!

    • Photo: Matt Maddock

      Matt Maddock answered on 13 Mar 2012:

      I hope so!

      Not certain I’m ready, but I am definitely looking forward to it!
